Only take it out for genuine emergencies. Although arguably trite on some level… the saying “All that is needed for the forces of evil to triumph is for enough good men to do nothing!” does seem to still hold true. Certainly, I am not “there” yet. Clearly, that has been abandoned. When you are living in a “multicultural paradise” with people who don’t even speak your language, much less share your religion, history, customs, traditions, family ties, etc, that touchstone won’t exist. By Doug "Uncola" Lynn via Janus is an ancient Roman, a composite god who is associated with doorways, beginnings, and transitions. Marshall McLuhan died in 1980. Then your head is skewered on a stake, And Jello Biafra wouldn’t sing that song as written today because he would be canceled for saying “nigger.”. Could we agree on a shortwave radio frequency or something? I just posted an excerpt from here with a link in DaLimbraw Library because it was very interesting reading – even a reference to the Nashville event which my internet provider is using as an explanation for our outage. Kiss ass while you bitch so you can get rich I refuse to be assimilated…the Borg can kiss my mick/wop ass…if I ever get close enough, before I give up the ghost, I hope to kill one with my E-Tool. And it has occurred in a reasonably short span of time. So fuck ’em, they get just what they ask for. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. If you’re looking to buy or refinance, this is what experts predict for the coming year. Ambulance crews in LA told not to transport those who have little survival chance amid COVID-19 spike,, Of course it is true … that this generation faces challenges the Russian people did not. Anything else will fall far short of the mark. And he was far better than what that America deserved or had any reason to expect. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. the noose tightens daily, methinks only supernatural intervention will save us from slavery. And once society loses that moral imperative, the decisions made inevitably lead to catastrophe, as value is stripped from the future and consumed and destroyed in the present. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. Love your writing, Mr. Cola, but from your Janus-faced article link listed at the top of this article : “Disturbingly, McLuhan believed modern electronic media would wipe away society’s ‘traditional values, attitudes and institutions’ and said twenty-three years ago in an interview with Wired magazine, the following…” That is the keystone. My point is that we can utilize the information and perspective sharing on this site to prepare in any way possible. An hour later he passed my little blonde honey and I in my flatbed headin to the river. Or, at the very least, leave them home. We have the combination of both human spies and electronic spies to contend with.. Haha….lot of memories. It’s time for the human race to get off its knees! The bottom line is the same as it has always been: THE PEOPLE WILL NOT BE ENSLAVED UNLESS THEY WANT TO BE ENSLAVED. Those crazy eschatological researches of scripture have been discussing the capabilities in DARPA’s want (?) Tri. They had to worry about a “friend” or neighbor snitching on them, I suppose. The eye of Sauron doesn’t miss anybody, bucko. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. The old KJV was a confirmation gift, so I don’t mean to insult those with far superior gifts, but no matter where I would read something like this: “Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be”, annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <——====, ‘And Jesus said unto him, Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us.’. It dovetails nicely with yours, although I don’t think any body will be waiting until 2030. Who knows? In any event, hopefully, it won’t happen. Billionaires do it. The dancing robots are a joke. Now, this comment is not particularly directed at you, Llpoh, and therefore would not require a response on your part. Well, actually, on second thought, it would still be considered as conspiracy by most people. This is from my friend Mark Fielding Darden…he is on the harmonica…thought you might like a little musical soothe. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. I just started a slow walk down this trail, hadn’t gone very far before I had to step in that pile from Langley: “The CIA powerful supercomputer system known as the Hammer with its application Scorecard was deployed to steal the 2020 election from President Donald J. Trump as it was done earlier to help Obama and Biden.”. We lived without them for most of our lives, at least if you are over 50 you did. const FP = {“featured_posts_nonce”:”51b2369302″,”featured_posts”:[{“description”:”Interest rates haven\u2019t been this high in seven months. Those were good subjects to kick off your blog with. And, when a third person theorizes in a similar fashion, I begin to wonder if the theory might merit more consideration. I’ve been there, I’ve done that, I’ve seen the results: NOTHING AND MORE NOTHING. So prepare DaRemnant! There are no qualifications for anyone to be a politician, and the results of the combined stupidity incompetence’s and new power are deadly beyond imagination. Wired mag didn’t exist. It was easily predicted it would happen, and it did. It was Trumps fault, it was the Christians fault, it was all those freedom loving individuals fault. Hectic day of MOAR moving and a visit from friends to our new home/last stand/hill to die on…(well a fortress house on the top of a wooded slope behind two gates is our hill.). Every free man and woman must now learn the “new” 3 Rs. Other than some kind of book club in grade school (the red badge of courage and the fighting prince of donegal), I’ve only bought two books in my life. Well stated summary of priorities and a warning to prepare for the “known unknowns.”. I’m done with these rino traitors. In my post above, a video of Catherine Austin Fitts was hyperlinked where she described her speculation on the Covid Vaccination Agenda as genetic software being downloaded into people. ” … the kitchen table …. I think it’s going to have to get worse before it gets better, if it ever does. Both women describe how the current Covid mRNA vaccinations can change people’s molecular biology and actually kill those who were vaccinated when they get sick later: Why People Will Start DYING A Few Months After The First mRNA Vaccination. The base case is that’s needs to happen in the US too [to most people], i.e. I would like to subscribe to the NextAdvisor newsletter. And some days are better than others:), I liked that MG…m comment, too. Truly, panoptic surveillance technology separates this cycle from previous turnings. The reality is that we must try to avoid buying in to the concept that “Resistance is Futile!” The British were the most powerful military and empire when the American colony revolted. At his best, he wanted an America that was only run 70% for the benefit of oligarchs instead of 100%, which would have been a near revolutionary improvement given the last 50 years of American politics. So Trump initially had to be elected against this backdrop. Here Are the Pros and Cons, Why I Only Use the Amazon Prime Visa Card to Buy Groceries. Crazy, ain’t it? The Lin Wood video above, he talks about the child abuse and murder on film !?! I have been wrong and will be wrong again. Reagan, who was himself nothing but a dupe and a tool and a useful idiot for your Deep State and its minions. As I opened the site this morning, zero comments were listed, so I knew it was fresh. How will we spend it? Comparing two different eras is always an imprecise endeavor. In the video, Fitts more emphasized applications for tracking and interfacing with The Borg system. hit rock bottom. Since I\u2019ve been spending (a lot) more time at home, I\u2019ve not only had to adjust my credit card spending strategy, but my […]”,”hub”:{“hub_title”:”Credit Cards”,”hub_link”:”https:\/\/\/nextadvisor\/credit-cards\/”},”ID”:15028,”image”:”https:\/\/\/nextadvisor\/wp-content\/uploads\/2021\/03\/na-amazon-prime-visa-card-groceries.jpg”,”link”:”https:\/\/\/nextadvisor\/credit-cards\/chase\/amazon-prime-visa-card-for-groceries\/”,”post_title”:”Why I Only Use the Amazon Prime Visa Card to Buy Groceries”,”reading_time”:4}]}; How the Car You Drive Affects Your Insurance Rates, Mortgage Rates Hit 3% for the First Time in Months. They are the a ss end of the Demoncrap party. When it comes to the best takeout New Year’s Eve parties in the East Bay, Spicy Hideaway is definitely the place to go. At least one benefit of the last 4 years is that we now know who on the right can’t be trusted. THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega surrenders to U.S. – 1990, defecated straight from the bowels of Langley, the most important speech of his lifetime, “A Digital Noose ‘Round Every Corner”,,,,,,,,, How The Fight Over American Freedom Will Probably Escalate, The Trickery Behind Getting Fools To Take The Jab, Freedom vs. Liberty: How Subtle Differences Between These Two Big Ideas Changed Our World, Today’s Stock Market is a Casino Powered by Easy Money and Boredom, THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Five letters pass between Abigail and John Adams – 1777. (Not the first one of yours I have done that with). I suppose the only question is “When will that be??”. Duly noted, Jim. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Count on it. Their strength is very tenuous and they will have to resort to old-fashioned brute force police state to keep their control gadgets running. Please stand by. I was in Nashville that day, seemed rather stinky to me. While we all speculate, none of us truly knows – because we see through the glass – DARKLY! That’s it; it’s do or die (or be enslaved) time. Also, in return for our Democratic votes: And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. In my reply to you over there I said it was a good catch, thanked you, and changed the wording in that post for clarity. It is subtitled and (again, in my opinion) definitely worth the effort to find and view. Good article as usual, Doug. And the 2012 game started with healthcare-reform veteran Mitt, but his glove just didn’t have a good enough handle on Romneycare to get him across home plate, and OBAMAcare prevailed; and just look at the improvements in the system since then. Should “Reverse Engineer” Choose Life, or Death? Interior or Exterior - All Year Round This is not the Mark of the Beast. And this guy is supposedly a preacher at some Methodist Church and yet is helping to build back better. Here’s What That Means for You, Yes, Your Unemployment Benefits Are Taxable. I don’t need 200 thousand words about “Oh! "awareness and will of the American voters'……dang, that's funny. Technology is the ultimate Hegelian dialectic. Never underestimate the evilness of mankind against their own. Anyone who didn’t support him because he said something stupid about immigration or wasn’t declaring martial law is either a child, entirely ignorant of the hatred for Americans displayed by every GOP politician of the last couple of generations or simply a purity spiraling sperg dedicated to being useless and looking for any excuse to sit back and complain. Here’s How to Take Advantage, Kids and Money with NextAdvisor and Farnoosh Torabi, Roth or Traditional IRA with NextAdvisor and Farnoosh Torabi, “Noodle Budget” with NextAdvisor and The Budgetnista, Capital One QuicksilverOne Cash Rewards Credit Card Review, The Best Business Cards of 2021 Can Help You Save and Budget for Business Expenses, Millions Could Have to Pay Back Unemployment Benefits If They Miss This Deadline, Mortgage Rates Will Rise in 2021, According to 5 Experts. “I don’t need 200 thousand words about “Oh! Sure, there are other better ways, but the likelihood of them being realized is… very low. 73.7k Followers, 880 Following, 3,224 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Wiggle - Cycle. Or their blood and my steel? Only scene in the movie true to the book was the empathy test. Uitleg: je loonstrook Krijg ik genoeg betaald? Mask with holes for playing instruments….. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver Concludes Opening Prayer for 117th Congress: ‘Amen and Awomen’ I watched the Catherine Austin-Fitts interview last night and it all made sense…. “Ringleader” is a mafia term indicating covert, usually negative, perhaps illegal activity. Pass Medicare For All, which is essential during a pandemic when tens if not hundreds of millions of Americans are losing their health insurance and facing medical bankruptcy. (@wiggle_sport) The Dark dystopian world of Decker and Roy undersold what we see today..For the Borg are holding hope in one hand, while selling shit in the other… Their fear is sold by mainstream as currency, the only accepted trade. There are no more eloquent words to be added to the great discussion about Uncola’s phenomenal article. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed Burning Platform LLC - To Contact Hardscrabble Farmer before supplies run out: China Just Launched this Attack on the USD, Alan Greenspan Warns of this U.S. Scheme to Confiscate Your Savings, The Little-Known (But Legal) IRS Tax Law to Move Your IRA or 401(k) to Gold, Wall Art to Perfectly Compliment Your As a former circus Ringmaster, please correct for your audience: “Ringmaster” is someone who orchestrates positive entertainment. It doesn’t help any of us to continue to receive only affirmations creating an echo chamber within our minds skewing our ability to see through the clearest lens. We can’t keep believing that all things will continue unabated and must use this time to learn… even if we think we know all we need to face the wave of the next storm. Editorial content from NextAdvisor is separate from TIME editorial content and is created by a different team of writers and editors. I believe it is simply a compounding, millions of times, of individuals acting corruptly and without regard to anything other than immediate self benefit. [And here we are today, two years later, still wondering.] Here’s What 5 Experts Predict for March 2021. The Fed, The Deep State, and Their “opportunity zones”, A song was written for this planned retirement a long, long time ago…, You’re a star-belly sneech, you suck like a leech It can be overcome but only if people ditch their smartphones. Its Ned again. Nano-particulates trickle down from the skies every day. Spaarpot of spaarrekening? Regardless, when one person makes certain speculations, I might find it interesting. top tips, Easily find everything from the perfect credit card to the right mortgage, Let us do the math on everything from your amortization schedule to your debt payoff. Especially do not feign affection. Hoezo sparen? I will land on conclusions that are clearly off mark only to be seen in the rear view of my past days. Now we can expect and demand the Democratic majority to send us continuing $2,000 per person checks–larger would be better!. And I suggest everyone resist the loss of freedom. Seriously, it is beautiful, but isn’t just paraphrasing a lot of what Solomon wrote? Online Dictionaries: Definition of Options|Tips Options|Tips takes a Federation (Star Trek nuisances continued)… People willing to band together to further a common goal, to protect a way of life, culture or religious beliefs. After 42 years, tonight, I have changed my party affiliation from republican to “no party affiliation “. ‘Life’, or some might say ‘reality’, called me away. Blade Runner 2049 was much closer to the book. His note on bitcoin going to the moon is obviously well underway. But for critical thinkers the soliloquy as scripted Then there is an organized voting fraud machine at work in many cities. However, and for instance, I believe the election was stolen, and was done so very easily. Certainly, the MSM would obfuscate any association between previous vaccinations and any deaths. Thank you for another thought provoking article. He never let me forget it…. To resist a Borg collective…. Here\u2019s What That Means for You”,”reading_time”:2},{“description”:”These are the actions experts recommend to help mitigate the financial stressors of unemployment.”,”hub”:{“hub_title”:”In the News”,”hub_link”:”https:\/\/\/nextadvisor\/in-the-news\/”},”ID”:14856,”image”:”https:\/\/\/nextadvisor\/wp-content\/uploads\/2021\/03\/na-unemployment-and-mental-stressors.jpg”,”link”:”https:\/\/\/nextadvisor\/in-the-news\/long-term-unemployment-mental-emotional-stress\/”,”post_title”:”As More Americans Slip Into Long-Term Unemployment, They Face a New Set of Challenges”,”reading_time”:7},{“description”:”The ease and convenience of having all my essentials (and let\u2019s be honest, some non-essentials too) delivered to my doorstep is something I value, especially over the course of the last year. I rarely only see one way out of a bad situation but in the current climate I cannot envision another. Custom Union Designs on Request Described them as ‘little dump trucks waiting for work orders’… know I’ve thrown a bunch of videos on here. Yes, Trump is our immediate hope , but there is a larger picture. They can only let it go so long, it is outta kindness I suppose.. Hopefully, “electronic gadgets” can not completely overtake the kitchen table … so that learning can begin. If people can do a better job than him under these circumstances, go for it. It has arrived at long last. However, I was thinking about the speculations behind current events (i.e. Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities… because it is the quality which guarantees all others. But the masses have played a starring role. But Rubio, and Scott have revealed their allegiances. How can the disorganized, disconnected, and displaced fight an organized, connected and centralized force? @ And Maxine Waters alluded to that also, and so did Schmucky Schumer in his “the intelligence agencies/six ways to Sunday comment. or to live as a slave.. Movie was nothing like the book. Online shoppen: tips! We must challenge each to think critically and to examine, in a different light, any and all preconceptions and existing beliefs to ensure a positive level of cognitive dissonance. They don’t hide it; they don’t care. “We handle all parts of your cocktail party,” owner Noel Crist told Berkeleyside of Spicy Hideaway’s Chinatown location, which is closed for … Be cheerful. I watched Blade Runner for first time last night. Or put your phone in a Faraday pouch if you can’t bear to leave home without it. We have the combination of both human spies and electronic spies to contend with. You want everyone to act like you I think you would enjoy the book better – Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K Dick. MC did not rain on my parade. We can joke about it but it might very well come down to that if you go far enough down the rabbit hole! They’re not on my side. Usually, I will open up some videos (gathered from earlier internet surfing) into separate tabs, or windows, and listen while at my desk. America has been demographically gutted and is now 56% white. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Good luck and Godspeed to you and yours. They are simply better organized (unions as Exhibit A). Then the new technology creates a new set of problems (social, political, etc) and some new set of technologies is again presented as a solution to these new problems, again creating a set of new and different problems to be solved with more new technology, ad infinitum. But how much different were the two candidate choices then, as to now? It is easy for any or all of us to throw our hands up, because all reasoning would lead us to believe the outcome is a forgone conclusion. I am not one to buy into conspiracy theories. These descents down the rabbit hole of tyranny are truly terrifying, and this is just the beginning. After the collapse Stuck the best thing that came out of Russia was mail order brides . Be yourself. Slave for soldiers till you starve It here are powerful evil people doing evil things. He would say stuff like …”dammitt son, you ask too many questions”……”many, many different way to skin cat, but cat still get skinned..”…………one day, I told him about noon on a saturday, ‘I’m done-goin’ to the river’. And “you’ll work harder with a gun in your back, Here in my neck of the woods this Bastard Preacher would be kicked out of the church and perhaps tared and feathered . Learn all about finances in next to no time with our weekly newsletter. the time to fight was 40 years ago, its all just a drama being played out now, the 5 circles will close on the el-ites timetable, its fait accomplis mon amis. I believe that there are already synthetic humans among us. … The circles are closing fast. Cher (/ ʃ ɛr /; born Cherilyn Sarkisian; May 20, 1946) is an American singer, actress and television personality.Commonly referred to by the media as the "Goddess of Pop", she has been described as embodying female autonomy in a male-dominated industry. Regarding the election and the Borg: Not my president; not my government; but still my country and my life to spend. My cousin got one. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Then the entire GOP establishment is opposed to him, including most of the Senate, and actively working for the Dem/globalist agenda. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Remus had managed to calm down by lunch time, but still had trouble controlling his magic later in the afternoon and was glad they only had Herbology and History of Magic. That verse, to me, deals with the number one issue that ALL of man has to deal with-death and the grave; Jesus Christ the light that overcame it. In a pinch, would ideologically homogenous be sufficient? It is simply not possible. Although, I must admit, your comment ” So fuck ’em.” does resonate with me. The mistakes include the impact on society of the vested interest groups, the absurd banking policies, the debt, the stupid immigration policies, the welfare system, the willingness of people to be lead, the self-interested politicians, the failure of the education system, the wars of aggression, the degeneration of morals, the collapse of family units, government drone expansion, the impact of income taxes, sedentary population, loss of work ethic, transition from manufacturing to service industry, concentrated populations, loss of a common culture, allowing one racial demographic to not only be lawless but actually protected in that lawlessness, failure to protect private property, militarisation of the police, etc etc etc. For the dumbed down masses it is easy Who knows……maybe the ‘re-discovering God is not dead’ not. definition of - senses, usage, synonyms, thesaurus. Great mix of tons of info! All this starts on January 21St, Free at last! The interview was in 1973 but my source on that quote was from a Wired magazine article posted 23 years later in 1996. They carry with iGadgets and look the other way.. It is either us or them; and that is the real binary. A poke in the eye and a double-stink on ya. Maybe we should all invest in this for communicating on the high side…. Explanation – – the laws of cause and effect eventually catch up with our past sins of commission and omission simply because there is a God – and contrary to the average churchian babbling, while patient, extremely gracious and merciful – He doesn’t put up with this crap forever. annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—-===. I can only hope 90 million other Trump supporters will leave the party alsoIt’s not much, but if enough of us leave, they’ll have to notice and perhaps may understand they’ll be without support in their next re-election bid. At around the 33:00 minute mark, Attorney Lin Wood claims Gates designed the Covid vaccinations to weaken people’s immune systems.
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