Is there a way to search all eBay sites for different countries at once? How many inches tall is a sixteen Oz monster energy can? He falls in love with her at first sight and proceeds to attack Tigerstar, but his efforts are in vain as Stargleam dies anyway. “Leafpool, it’s okay. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. I’m sorry for telling everyone the secret at the gathering. “But I can now, when I have you right where I need you.” Jayfeather stared at him, his heart pounding faster. She forgave Leafpool in the end; her last plea of forgiveness which had already been granted. Warriors Share Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. 1 History 2 Physical appearance 3 Personality and traits 4 Relationships 4.1 Squirrelflight 4.2 Tawnypelt 4.3 Hawkfrost Bramblekit is born to Goldenflower and Tigerclaw along with his sister, Tawnykit. Never before had he felt the power of the stars in his paws. While Ivypool is busy fighting off the two Dark Forest warriors, Hawkfrost kills Hollyleaf. “I…I understand now. “You all do!” Breezepelt’s amber eyes bored into Jayfeather’s. And he had anger too. I know what you did and why.” Jayfeather understood too. That's kinda murder, you know. Honyfern: Killed after being bitten by an Adder protecting Briarkit. “No, Hollyleaf, you’ll be okay. “Leafpool?” she rasped. As the two brothers fought, memories raced through Jayfeather’s mind. “Lionblaze,” Jayfeather breathed. Official art by Wayne McLoughlin. Fresh blood gushed out and Jayfeather fell to the ground. But I didn’t know how. How many mongo seeds are equal to 3.50 mole of mongo seeds? What is the importance of being treated humanely and why such treatment is important for human conduct? “You’re business is none of mine,” he snarled. “Because of you, my life is ruined,” Breezepelt snarled. A shriek exploded behind Ivypool. “You deserve to die.” He looked up at Hollyleaf, who was lying on the ground, panting. When Gleamstar is receiving her nine lives, she has a vision that Hollyleafand Tigerstar take over the Clans, but Hawkfrost; "their was a cat suruonded by a godlen lite!1!1! By Spottedwing Blurb= What if Ivypool wasn't spying. Mouth open, Thistleclaw fled, disappearing through the gorse. Flowertail. How long will the footprints on the moon last? (ahem leafpool and squirrelflight ahem) And also yes Hollyleaf should definitely have survived. He dropped with a thump and scrabbled to his paws. He could feel the sadness radiating off of everyone, especially Leafpool. Silverstar thinks that Tigerstar and Hawkfrost may have been 'controlling' Hollyleaf from the Dark Forest. “She gave everything for us, for the clans who betrayed her, for her life that was a lie,” he whispered to himself. Today, I’m going to talk about my opinions on the very loved character, Hollyleaf. “I see it now…” he rasped before his eyes closed forever. Hawkfrost: *tries to kill Ivypool* uh! In that moment, his icy eyes blazing with fury, she accepted her fate. Yes. Did Hawkfrost kill Hollyleaf? As the title says, this quiz is basically just to see what Hawkfrost's opinion on you would be if you actually met him. Jayfeather launched himself at Tigerstar. Your so hard to kill! Watch Queue Queue Now that Hollyleaf had … StarClan is calling me.” Leafpool’s eyes widened, Jayfeather could feel the agony tearing through her heart like thorns. “But…that’s impossible!” Lionblaze glanced over at Jayfeather. She later gets trapped in the tunnels and isn't seen until "the forgotten warrior." In her sleep, she fell through a jagged hole in the ground. She says this to leafpool also, saying that she has killed before and would kill her. “Leafpool, Squirrelflight,” she whispered, her voice barely audible. A very simple Warrior Cats What If! Mod Blackbolt - Well, he did plot with Hawkfrost to kill Firestar, then he did try or talk about killing Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, and Lionblaze. Hi, it’s Briarshine with another article! “Thanks for being the best brothers in the world. What four features of bacteria that enable them to survive in a wide variety of habitats? “You can’t kill me!” he snarled. “But I have the power of the stars in my paws!” Launching himself at Tigerstar, Jayfeather fought for his life, and the lives of his clanmates. Yes, she does. “This is for the fate of the clans!” he yowled. “I couldn’t kill then,” he hissed. The black warrior’s eyes widened. Tigerstar snarled at Jayfeather. My Opinion On Hollyleaf by Briarshine. Ivypaw, by then Ivypool, tries to kill Hawkfrost but when he overpowers her, Brambleclaw steps in and kills him himself. But, Hollyleaf hates Ashfur for what he's doing to her. My heart told me that I was right, but everyone thought I was wrong.” She let out a long sigh, as if to let go of everything she had been holding back all those moons. No, he never existed! Yowling, Jayfeather leaped at him, thrusting him out of the way. “It hurt for her more than all of us.” Jayfeather felt a nudge as Lionblaze spoke up. Although Hollyleaf tried to resist it, she couldn't stop her femine parts from becoming wet. At the end of the book "sunset," Hollyleaf reveals to have murdered Ashfur. Yeah, she could have had the power to MAKE CATS SPEAK THE TRUTH!!!!! Our victim is Hawkfrost today!Hawkfrost: *snarls* I know what you did to Tigerstar and I'll never answer!Acornfeather: I guess that makes it easier. What if Jayfeather stayed with Half Moon? I wanted to come back more than anything. His father is shortly exiled after his birth after attempting to murder Bluestar. It had been previously stated they did meet up in Starclan so it can be assumed they are mates. Did Hawkfrost ever have a mate? Longtail: Killed by a falling tree while getting fresh kill for Mousefur. She was saved by Fallen Leaves and lived in the tunnels for moons and moons. I’m sorry I was so blind once I found out.” Squirrelflight pressed her nose to Hollyleaf’s flank. Why don't libraries smell like bookstores? But she had no time to think of that now; Hollyleaf was being ripped to shreds. 7 min read. And more! When he kills Hollyleaf, he is taken back to camp by Brambleclaw. And, yes, sadly, Hollyleaf was killed by Hawkfrost, so she did join her starry warrior ancestor. But before he could kill him, a screech rang through Jayfeather’s ears, and a flash of gold darted past him, bowling Breezepelt over. Hollyleaf was falling. “This is for everything you did to me!” the WindClan warrior hissed. Breezepelt stood over him, snarling. A flash of black fur whizzed by as his sister was pinned to the ground by Breezepelt. Hollyleaf dumped her catch on the kill pile, once again feeling something stir in her stomach. Suddenly, Thistleclaw, Hawkfrost, and Snowtuft went for Hollyleaf all at once. Hollyleaf was the teeniest bit curious about how Icecloud knew so much about this, but before she could ask, Icecloud's paw had reached the forbidden area. Chapter 4. Perhaps Tigerstar sent Hollyleaf images of Squirrelflight, Jayfeather and Lionblaze's dead bodies. Hawkfrost. She turned and saw Hollyleaf swipe at Hawkfrost's muzzle. And, a fair warning to pun haters, I've done my best to add in some humor. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. What if it was the opposite? "Because if you stay, I will kill you". I … Tigerstar yowled and jerked away from him, releasing Firestar, who bounded off. 1. “This is for the fate of the clans!” he yowled. Hawkfrost trained Ivypool, having such faith in her, until she sided with the Clans in the Great Battle, and in the wake of Ivypool's betrayal, he killed Hollyleaf.
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