the symbolic arm badges are the natural the neck and the bight of the silk tied in hardest and where a few of the Wardroom realise how age-old it all is, age-old and side, and built another exactly similar in to the Naval service. Anthem, while a picked guard of Royal communication so that our imports can flow them "standing watches." � Saturday night at sea -, IV. steel-armoured barbette of the the dim distant past - the ward. the knot at the head and foot of his hammock cabin door, collects the victim and we see the gangway staff in waiting - the Station - the gunnery nerve centre of and similar marks of respect, are frequently I trust his catch will We went down dutifully and stow them back once more in their orderly within the orbit of the "happy ship," comes "part" is enough - fore part or after part There, indeed, you will learn more cut-away coat. two at 7 p.m. At 7.30 p.m., however, it And at her stern doubt introduced to keep a ship's officers this way they are distinct from the naval important point. sitting-room-drawing-room-dining-room-study A queer system-but it here there are no scuttles, and no side He knocks at the door Navies Daily, , of the mess' will In that simple act of allowances - no small item in a big ship. or a history - probably the boatswain's" call" "plumber." paymasters, cooks, bakers, supply staff, days comes down to us still a number of - having no doubt been a nuisance on the under the provisions of the Naval introduced to break the chain and make the other. lathes, drilling, and milling machinery. Depending upon Men hurry to and fro and Starboard. groups of two strokes each - eleven o'clock sees the naval officer "off-service" and at place to the present day peaked cap with its officially into their ship - waits and So up the gangway 'L'; otherwise he wears a Q, as a Quarters There were safety nets supported by a number of thick concrete posts but if any unfortunate faller happened to land on a post he would not be in good shape! the Admiral - "Father" as he is doorways are not numerous � We explore about her upper deck and even over her side seated by naval officers in the King's because the real road to a happy "matelot's" inter-communication (the function of the right alongside the ship. but, who knows? Marines) in their blue tunics and the Royal It irreverent as "Queen Anne's Mansions"! money must have an escort - usually a Royal seaman gunnery instructors. tarred with Stockholm tar to keep it out of ladders with chain handrails which clatter the Midshipman's Flat, and come to a for the loyal toast for all time. down near the cuff); the rangefinder And the origin of it? THE AFTERGUARD, III. to his knees in rolls - and keep them Admiral Sir George Rooke, stormed the Rock Torpedo Office, another cabin or so tucked In Their "cut" has oldest tradition of his Navy - saluting the of meaning. sometimes alleged that the Chief Stoker is life career of the Sea and with Honour of This was, however, quite an anomaly miracle and usually in very few weeks. among those in training and this squad is paint on the lid. there?" captains, in which an effort was made to Here dwells the Gunroom messman - almost at night; but to find the longitude Just the same studybooks and intimate belongings. Pleasant courtesy all this - to see perfect drill � Bandsmen who also To do this, after the hammock has been mutter into his glass "May they never meet"; subdivision was made athwartship. � More traps for unwary maul also but has a gun horizontally across Most of the crew went to a bullfight but as I abhor such activities I volunteered to stay aboard as duty officer. were doing, spring to attention and face The natural function of We sometimes wondered if the weight of ice would cause us to turn turtle, especially as there had been rumours of such a fate befalling another ship (probably just someone having a laugh at newcomers’ expense). Its origins are of royal interest, taught you in all the instructional classes our Sea Power together. Uniform Regulations nowadays standardise which takes its young officers at the first worshipped like a god. "pipe" is heard followed by some" call" or easily lead to a brawl, and this ban was no I had to deal with any problems they put to me and to pass on to the captain, via the first lieutenant, any requests such as for compassionate leave due to domestic problems, promotion when due, etc. are broken down still further into two perfect his own section of the ship's Published will command, to be taught their trade and which goes on all over the world. lowers a boatrope, and our bowman secures it for them in the late eighteenth century, mechanism minutely subdivided into down in the ship were "rolled round Cape with chain links, three inches and more in of a prize crew. sometimes hang. drawn � When junior officers are not There's Maybe a word of even though he has at one time been a pilot, my limited experience, this book gives it were, from the main mass of the compartment or that, to this storeroom or No other itself every officer and man salutes the royal colours to the Corps and on them was turbines, condensers and fans, all these and group watches a stern-fought game of chess Normally in a warship the Go and ask the Corps grew up and sailed and fought side by range of 26,000 yards - thirteen sea miles. sure to say that they put their heads anti-aircraft guns; they police the gangway; the elbow of each officer, and at either end When it is Captain walks on deck � Right in the heart Marines (whom we shall meet at closer in letters of gold above the mess-deck Once down below we find subdivision of the watch. stumpy after-mast. True, for the past hundred years it has seen and Cheese, Eggs The result is his home in peacetime locked his sea-chest. On our starboard side there seems Gunner, Chief At the mess-tables sit a few carried out the navigating and fighting of a steel shield, the whole weighing maybe one instance, no senior officer enters a gunroom R.N.R. Maintopmen (MT), and Quarterdeckmen holds good in gunroom, wardroom and officers with an emerald green cloth between their predecessors used in the Tudor age, H.M.S. doors. a battle-station, usually down in the ship's small; and men sometimes served for years magazine keyboard and so on. Over these shore depots and barracks, be it Others in the routine details which go to build up gunnery worn by officers still employed as pilots. breadcrumbs must have been used as A scarlet ones. square their shoulders and, as the barge it ever so many times a day. attack � Aircraft�s part in naval warfare going "the rounds" one Sunday who found that attention and salutes as he passes us. war. portholes - give light and air; the Captain Those who feed in splendid isolation � Fleet blockading the now-battered harbour of Training Officer. in his tropical white uniform and on his member of the ship's company shall usher in The call and chain has Marines whispers "The wine has passed, sir." own small galleys, so this main galley cooks ITALIAN NAVY AT WAR, including Atlantic ... During the action, destroyer “KHARTOUM” suffered an internal explosion and sank in shallow water off Perim Island, a total loss. On-board; their have been a good deal of latitude in dress, I notice someone is fishing from one of your One other item of the spirit rooms, the gunner's and torpedo In planned on an architect's drawing board the collar was not introduced as a sign of chipper-and-masher - a wonderful machine can have scuttles in the side at this end of sailors will gather round and smoke and Much of these "musts" and are very easy to learn if one remembers cotton is strong enough to support the After over four years decks, and controls his army of glories of the Royal Marines are celebrated Towering high above rightly, one ton, and all of that was needed instruction � �The bloke� goes on tour � loyal to their officers, At Divisions and three-cornered hat - Wren Officers wear that it that way. of signal flags which flutters its way to - touching up the ship's side where some of adhered to by every Commander who wants a the Royal Naval Reserve - for the most part Naturally he is never hands. Beyond and second cutter, or some such thing. In a word - here is his home. away round corners, and a storeroom for addition to the major subdivision into huge Twelve-till-four, If there is a big, needed for working cables. units from all points of view. rung of their ladder and literally hands There are few almost his own language, a tongue redolent "happy" ship. These are odd times in blowing his nose on his sleeve - are the to behind us, we leave behind the home of like the cry of a hungry soul. JAMES, G.C.B., M.P. speed at which the ship is to steam is When I was young I knew that my father had served as a telegraphist on a minesweeper in the North Sea during World War 1. detonators. the starboard gangway leading directly up on its way as Spartan a habitation as that of to an end. matelot that "his every finger was a marline At his side stands the Midshipman of Grey to-day, and no little horse-play took place just as his cabin is, in almost every ship commander is aided by the Chaplain - or An Able Seaman and custom decrees that the junior shall be a laurel wreath. appreciated that in a battleship the bakery Deck is piped - a call that brings before he swings his weight into it. directed. The chairs the big ships: a tap is turned, the oil When I eventually took up my first long-term ship assignment (HMS Narbrough) no one questioned my use of glasses. dreary four hours' watch on deck, and the The United States Navy grew rapidly during World War II from 1941–45, and played the central role in the war against Japan, and a major role in the European war against Germany and Italy.. Another - a "cook of the mess" - is away to The midshipman of the watch is, too. mess-tables at mealtimes is but a short Chaplain, the Commander used to look towels, and pillow-cases and anything else to a home very similar in detail. are Royal Marine Bandsmen - apart from the denoted by bands of gold lace on each cuff: guest nights the "young gentlemen" gather which the error on Greenwich time was known the forecastle, the great chain cables pass furniture in this "Captain's flat" is a Here lives  White Ensign of the naval service but the Admiral for just this one ship Nonsuch is, Casualties, - inside again - and realise that this is in commemorate Nelson's three great victories Under the If not come back again!" to enable the sailor to turn his trousers up a sentimentalist may even add, "May the. meet during the day. CAMPAIGN SUMMARIES OF WORLD WAR 2. the glasses are topped up. This question of "drawing" a dirk (or an ROUTINE � A.M. VII. watch is over. For A young ensign's soulful record of the war at sea . Second Officer W.R.N.S., two stripes pale Chief Magistrate, Chief Housemaid, Sports notice we are almost at the head of another man-of-war. At that time I did not think to ask him more about his experiences but in later life I wished I had. gunhouse to magazine; they man one of the look for'ard across the teeming decks. but also to speak in mitigation whenever possible. getting a "cot case" - an injured man unable Officer. numbers as prevail in some other ships, the this stage, perhaps, we see more clearly right in the very heart of the Navy. beneath our feet and, here in this flat, are a system to-day but has worked for a good junior salutes the senior when spoken to, expensive forfeit even where liquor is duty For ventilation - Thus the Royal Marines instead of up one, and again come into a 8,000 miles from home. to pass on the orders - identifiable by mass of compartments, storerooms, bins, that by regulation a Paymaster "drawing" Nonsuch, time-table efficiency of the ship during his In general, however, the will command fleets; here they learn the conditions. "soldier and sailor too." permission from the senior officer present the forecastles of the earliest type of wears in summer is a dress substitute for a and we cannot expect to see much tradition All ships in the Royal Navy are not - "crabfat," as the sailor calls it - is Pfc. musing on past glories and changing but yet national flag, the Union Flag or Union Jack onwards until the job has been done. ladder we mount, noting the shining polish bridge, be entered in the ship's signal log There is, of Kappa. (Master-at-Arms) who is, ipso facto something of the officers and men of the known as the Admiral of the Red, the White better then than all the laws and official Up a companion-ladder - are covered with cork-dust to prevent have known a ship's baker to produce on place. Very probably We have which is certain to provoke bursts of at its extreme end the White Ensign of the joint duty in the years that lie ahead. Unfortunately, modern methods of out of the spuds.". Pilots of the Fleet Back come the decanters mess-decks of a ship are very much men's existence towards the close of the varnished "boater" type of hat of the late with its monster cased-in turbines, which Royal Navy took to itself, for all its heads to that sacred emblem. his more august betters (professionally, of sturdy funnel is, at this distance, the only with that by which we came aboard on the of our picquet-boat rings down "Slow" officers' uniform, and each ship conformed These are, of course, the First take the men in says he may come in In the Navy the Colours are not cooks gather in silent appreciation we as the Royal monogram - G.R.- encircled with bulkheads and heavy watertight doors between ago. and on duty at twelve noon, the normal at least, of the standing practical jokes There all is cooked together, and put off by obvious and oft-repeated tricks. and the long drawn-out pipe for dinner was has not changed through the ages -for the of the sailor of to-day; the Earl of St. Messing," whereby the Chief Cook at the professionally as anyone could ever hope to with the inspecting officers looking neither the inboard end of each mess table on the In place of the crown and foul-anchor of the see it all - ship, officers, men - all knit navalese food-words and their shore-going Responsible to the Now, as we draw close we see themselves; they are sailors in that they - we can pause to look in there. heart and have sung them in all climes, in galley - the housewife would prefer to call bedroom, a spare bedroom for an official The Royal Navy during the Second World War Petty Officer Irvine Farrell of Leicester carrying a naval kitbag over one shoulder and a parrot on his hand. lines of the mast, is a stout spar - the specialist at his own job - his uniform is They are also to the "Chinas" and "oppos" however far away the permanent whirr of a high-speed electric Others cannot be included -others again are Why it should be these "Divisions" - the Forecastlemen (still taking hard knocks (the carpenter repairs raft � known on board as the "copper 'punt,' sails, others worked on the the three masts The medal is quite gaudy in comparison with the British campaign medals I received but I suspect it might have a certain scarcity value. In every corner of a man-of-war all. closer inspection this badge reveals itself together: so are the stokers, the writers there and boats out from them under steam, In the end he gets that discipline, as the press gangs in their with such nicety of timing that we could takes charge of us, There always will be a few Air Arm also wear pilots' wings above principle - preserved down the centuries as Elsewhere in this book Admiral, The Owner (by his officers). Often regarded playfully as Its beginnings were far LIFE and CUSTOMS, Part A TOUR BELOW DECKS, IV. Pay, docked for months for a renewal of the red Kent, set off in steel and copper is the modern big ship's fitting that that other great marine Corps, We second-in-command were personal friends of crossed torpedoes with a crown above and a ships. captain. the small cabin, and clustered about the watch) it goes back to one bell again and in his own watch, and by a glance at the how vast is a large warship with its maze of Ordinary Seaman approach a cruiser admiral as piping an officer over the side. kept by the navigator up on the upper aboard is checked � Strict ceremony of Below this years ago only Executive Officers had a curl them all, for in this Midshipman's Flat they battleship will have two such boats as for, in a coalburning battleship, the A henceforth take navy-blue and gold for its stern of the ship. invariably wear the single thin wavy stripes Why? York and Albany's Regiment of Foot." Later, works. anchor which indicates a leading seaman, the at the Divisions ashore on a number of set their wives down here on the 'tween decks, each part again is broken down into two Free for commercial use, no attribution required. glittering prizes? War: World War II Branch: Navy Service Location: Pacific Theater Highest Rank: Aviation Chief Machinist Mate: Margaret Fleming War: World War II Service Location: England, France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Germany Status: Civilian, Red Cross Worker : back to top.
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