Telling positive stories about our country and the EU, UPDATE 16 December 2018 I never expected this post to…, Have you come across this quote or this meme? Full Fact is a registered charity (no. The UK has an opt-out from Schengen and hasn’t signed the Schengen agreement. What a blatantly jingoistic lie. The Treaty of Lisbon was drafted and agreed by … Your email address will not be published. Sheffield, Manchester,…, Hang on, the EU is undemocratic, isn't it? The Treaty of Lisbon was signed by the EU member states on 13 December 2007, and entered into force on 1 December 2009. Until recently, the Treaty of Lisbon, which substituted for the unsuccessful European Constitution rejected by Dutch and French voters in 2005, was … By the way, putting “as laid down in the Lisbon Treaty” in a sentence doesn’t make it true. “Lisbon Treaty Conspiracy Theory. This is not related to the Lisbon Treaty. The text at the beginning and end is often different, but the central list of claims is virtually identical across most of the versions we’ve seen. 19: The UK loses control of its judicial system, 20: The UK loses control of its international policy, 21: The UK loses full control of its national policy. The capitals are not in the original text, and give a clue that someone has latched onto us not having an opt-out as being a Bad Thing. The government has set out a “Memoranda of Understanding” on matters relating to Gibraltar, stating that this does “not imply any modification of the respective legal positions of the Kingdom of Spain or of the United Kingdom with regard to sovereignty and jurisdiction in relation to Gibraltar”. Obviously when EU law is agreed (which process includes our ministers and our MEPs) then the UK must adopt it. And it certainly won’t happen in 2020, which appears to be a date plucked from nowhere. 2: All member nations will become states of the new federal nation of the EU by 2022 as clearly laid out in the Lisbon treaty with no exceptions or veto’s. 20: The UK loses control of its international policy This involved many lies in one document that spread around on different social media channels. These are just lies. Like the Maastricht Treaty, the Lisbon Treaty was highly controversial Like the Maastricht Treaty, it involved a massive loss of UK sovereignty Like the Maastricht Treaty, the British people were given no say Gordon Brown got his Foreign Secretary to sign, then countersigned it quietly the next day The list has appeared in numerous versions across different platforms since mid-December. However, the earliest version of the list we’ve been able to find only says that some of the things on it are due to the Lisbon Treaty. 11: The UK loses control of its oil and gas rights. While it was not explicitly called a European constitution, the treaty addressed a number of issues that had been central to the 2004 EU draft constitution, an initiative that was scuttled after voters in France and the Netherlands rejected it in 2005. This involved many lies in one document that spread around on different social media channels. If Britain stayed inside the EU, it could lead a radical, socialist revolution across Europe. Because, by enshrining neoliberal economics in a treaty, and activating its lesser-known counterpart German “ordoliberalism”, the Lisbon Treaty of 2007 … At no point does the Treaty mention the year 2022. There are EU rules which govern how licensing must occur. The rebate has to be renegotiated every budget period, and the current period ends in 2020. You will note, though that we still have a veto over this, by simply objecting as a national government. CONTACTS. The Lisbon Treaty sets out that the EU’s “common security and defence policy shall include the progressive framing of a common Union defence policy.”. As for the wording of the Lisbon Treaty, Article 50 is silent on this point. This is false. The Lisbon Treaty. 3: All member states must adopt the Euro by 2022 and any new member state must do so within 2 years of joining the EU as laid down in the Lisbon treaty. Privacy, terms and conditions. This was not linked to the proposed merger with Deutsche Börse, and was explicitly spoken of as a possible result of Brexit, rather than a result of staying in the EU. However, [24] “Loss of aviation and sea lane jurisdiction (lie)” alludes to its opposite cause - it’s not the Lisbon Treaty, but Brexit itself that might bring this about. As discussed earlier, the UK also has some ability to veto EU laws, and has opt-outs from certain EU policies. The writer would probably say, “ah, but this is worst-case scenario. Member states have to follow EU laws on some aspects of planning. However, the deal came apart. Protocol 15, Article 1: “Unless the United Kingdom notifies the Council that it intends to adopt the euro, it shall be under no obligation to do so.”. It was agreed by all EU member countries in 2007 and came into force in 2009, and has been in place ever since. It also says that the EU can draw up a European Space policy and “promote joint initiatives, support research and technological development and coordinate the efforts needed for the exploration and exploitation of space.” It also gives the European Parliament and the Council powers to create a European space programme. You deserve better. Even if Parliament votes it through, the Council has to agree as well, so if our government doesn’t want something to happen, it won’t. These are just lies. At the moment, the EU can move with the speed of a sloth in these matters, and has been criticised for that (for example here) – the EU is the second largest economy in the world and should be taking a lead on certain things, especially when Trump-led America no longer cares about the rest of the world. 22: The UK loses its right to call itself a nation in its own right. Separately, in January 2017, Xavier Rolet, the Chief Executive of the London Stock Exchange, told a committee of MPs that over 200,000 UK jobs—across the country—could be at risk if the terms of Brexit meant financial “clearing” jobs had to leave the UK. Many recent versions of the list begin with this (or similar) text, which wasn’t present in earlier versions: WHY IS NOBODY TALKING ABOUT THE LISBON TREATY, THE TREATY THAT COMES INTO FORCE 2020, ITS WORSE THAN THE SO CALLED DEAL, IF 99% OF THE BRITISH THINK THIS THE DEAL IS BAD JUST LOOK AT THE LISBON TREATY. If you’ve made it this far, well done. A large number of our readers have asked us to factcheck a list of claims about the Lisbon Treaty, or “what will actually happen if we stay in the EU”, which has gone viral on social media. The original – making ludicrous claims about the 2007 Lisbon Treaty – has been shared broadly enough to prompt a point-by-point analysis of the lies from a Professor of EU law.. The original – making ludicrous claims about the 2007 Lisbon Treaty – has been shared broadly enough to prompt a point-by-point analysis of the lies from a … I believe the French had a referendum and they voted for the treaty by 52% to 48% against. Ireland’s Lisbon Treaty campaign was poisoned by lies and hampered by a weak showing from pro-EU groups. The Lisbon Treaty doesn’t mention the rebate at all. 25: The UK loses its rebate in 2020 as laid down in the Lisbon treaty. As the Germans say that is Of course, when trading with countries with which the EU has no deal, we can set our own tariffs and quotas. Today, you have the opportunity to help save lives. However the merger was blocked by the EU in March 2017, on the grounds that it risked creating a monopoly. The seven EU member states that do not currently use the Euro, and do not have an opt-out, are expected to join the Euro, but only when they meet certain conditions. The list is a mixture of false claims, and claims that have some truth but could be misleading given the context. But EU laws on town and country planning must be unanimously supported by member states. And then, it b The French government took the result as a green light to go ahead with the treaty and as far as I know no consideration was given to the wishes of the 48%. But unlike in other areas of EU decision-making, the European Commission can’t propose laws about security and defence. This is the typical Leave fairytale (creatively turned into three separate points), that the faceless EU bureaucrats are claiming more and more power over us. Dick Roche gives the receipt how the problem can be solved. That’s after any rebate or discount the UK receives, but before any money is spent in the UK by the EU. We should “fully research and cross reference” it all. PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW, LEAVERS AND REMAIMERS..“What will actually happen if we stay in the EU” is a question no remainer will ever answer but here it is warts and all. The EU does not have a direct role in raising taxes or setting tax rates, and the EU also has no say in how countries spend their tax revenues. So I did. Like the Maastricht Treaty, the Lisbon Treaty was highly controversial Like the Maastricht Treaty, it involved a massive loss of UK sovereignty Like the Maastricht Treaty, the British people were given no say Gordon Brown got his Foreign Secretary to sign, then countersigned it quietly the next day You can read more about this—and find out how to report Facebook content—here. Until recently, the Treaty of Lisbon, which substituted for the unsuccessful European Constitution rejected by Dutch and French voters in 2005, was moving along toward becoming reality. Brexit in the News. Fishing vessels registered in the EU have equal access to EU waters, with two exceptions. At the moment, 19 of the 28 EU members are part of the ‘Euro area’. The Lisbon Treaty says nothing specific about shipping. But we would be a part of (and have influence over) all the deals that the EU negotiates. The combined purchasing power of 28 countries carries considerably more weight than just that of the UK, and the EU has some excellent negotiators (which is more than we do). For areas of law in which the EU has competence (for example the single market, agriculture, consumer protection) the Council votes using qualified majority. The EU is going to steal the Falklands from us? 23: The UK loses control of its space exploration program. 16: The UK loses the ability to create its own laws and to implement them. The UK has accepted the supremacy of EU law for some time—since parliament passed the European Communities Act in 1972—so it’s not as a result of the Lisbon Treaty. Of course, if we do get a deal with the EU and enter a transition period, we won’t be part of the next budget negotiation, and it is extremely unlikely that the other member states will give us the rebate. If the UK were to remain in the EU beyond March 2019 for any reason then the Lisbon Treaty wouldn’t suddenly change things. It’s true that in the past there was a lot of talk about closer integration in the EU, but there is no appetite for it amongst the governments or citizens of Europe. I guess the writer was on a bit of a roll by this point.). The only way it could gain jurisdiction would be if we voted for that to happen – see the discussion of the veto at point 1. 20 This makes the EU markedly more transparent for its citizens and especially for those to whom the legislation applies. Contact your MP: 3. But in Ireland, the government wasn’t content to accept the results of … Ireland’s Lisbon Treaty campaign was poisoned by lies and hampered by a weak showing from pro-EU groups. It’s not clear what is meant by the claim that the Lisbon Treaty would see states losing their “abstention veto”. The opposite of international policy, I suppose. 25: The UK loses its rebate in 2020 as laid down in the Lisbon treaty. The Lisbon Treaty started as a constitutional project at the end of 2001 (European Council declaration on the future of the European Union, or Laeken declaration), and was followed up in 2002 and 2003 by the European Convention which drafted the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe (Constitutional Treaty) (1.1.4). The Nolan Principles — the seven principles of public life which public servants are meant to respect: 2. With thanks to UK in a Changing Europe and Professor Steve Peers for their help with reviewing this factcheck. However, some of them are such complete lies that there just isn’t any evidence. Equally, Tombs, like all Brexiters, expresses his contempt for the second referendum on the Lisbon treaty held in Ireland in 2009 after the first one was defeated. The process leading to the Lisbon Treaty is a result of the negative outcome of two referenda on the Constitutional Treaty in May and June 2005, in response to which the European Counci… There are two nuggets here. Both the UK and Denmark have “opt-outs” to joining. These criteria include: inflation (the way prices change over time) and long-term interest rates in that country must be within a certain distance of the three “best performing” countries in the EU, public finances must be “sound and sustainable”, exchange rates must be stable. Take the foppishly-titled Passerelle clause from the Lisbon Treaty that allowed greater integration on the go. So in these areas nobody has a veto. In some areas of law there is no veto, which means that very occasionally we have to implement law we don’t like. The second nugget is that the text of an infographic from FullFact keeps being shared: “EU deal tries 2reassure non-euro countries like UK that they won’t be ganged up on by eurozone countries. As for the wording of the Lisbon Treaty, Article 50 is silent on this point. Parliament's consent is "not required" for Theresa May to get Brexit under way by triggering Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, the High Court hears. The Lisbon Treaty says that the EU has powers in “the areas of research, technological development and space … in particular to define and implement programmes”, but it also says that this isn’t at the expense of member countries also having powers in these areas. WHEN former PM Theresa May triggered Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty on March 29, 2020, Boris Johnson – with a reputation that goes before him for all the wrong reasons – took the opportunity to undermine her authority during the Brexit negotiations. 4: The London stock exchange will move to Frankfurt in 2020 and be integrated into the EU stock exchange resulting in a loss of 200,000 plus jobs in the UK because of the relocation. ‘Fake News’ about the Lisbon Treaty which is ‘supposedly’ favourable of BREXIT undermines the true case against the EU – so was published by wrecker Remainers? Ah, the veto. 2: All member nations will become states of the new federal nation of the EU by 2022 as clearly laid out in the Lisbon treaty with no exceptions or veto’s. If we remain in the EU, we have the power to prevent any expansion of the EU’s power. The UK’s opt-out means that it, and any other countries with opt-outs, do not have to do this. (What is national policy, anyway? ), 18: The UK loses control of any provinces or affiliated nations e.g. It would have been nice to have had a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty and IIRC we were promised one. The EU has no jurisdiction over moving UK companies around the place. What is, however, certain is that we get good deals inside the EU. The UK has its own space agency that’s part of the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy. Brexit: the Lisbon deception By Richard North - August 2, 2020 . However, if the forecasts are wrong and the country has less money, our contributions would actually go down. It’s correct that the UK can’t strike its own trade deals if we remain in the EU, as this has to be done at an EU-wide level. “The turnout was higher than the national elections—roughly 72% and the verdict, a rather decisive one with 51% in favour of Brexit,” wrote Kaustav Bhattacharyya (2016). Not many of us, who are merely ordinary members of the British public, will have actually read the Lisbon Treaty nor know of the details therein, will we? And then the deal wasn’t allowed by the EU Commission, for being anti-competitive. The Lisbon Treaty sets out that the EU has powers over “the conservation of marine biological resources” as part of the CFP and shares power with member countries over the rest of fisheries policy. 9: The UK will NOT be able to set its own trade quotas. 15: The UK loses full control of its taxation policy If you’re not clear on how the EU functions, you might want to check out my post explaining the various EU bodies. I certainly don’t see it happening in my lifetime. The Lisbon Treaty does not say anything about the UK’s nuclear deterrent. Parliament's consent is "not required" for Theresa May to get Brexit under way by triggering Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, the High Court hears. It would have been nice to have had a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty and IIRC we were promised one. It is not the EU’s fault that the UK grants nearly all its quota to large companies, some of them not even British; in fact it is contrary to the EU’s fisheries policy. The French government had to proceed without a referendum, for fear of losing it — despite the clear resemblance between Lisbon and its predecessor — and the German Constitutional Court insisted, just a few months before the Greek crisis began, that … There is no requirement to gain the approval of the United States or other NATO allies for their use and only the Prime Minister can authorise an instruction to fire.”, 15: The UK loses full control of its taxation policy. Most of these regulations were set out in Treaties which pre-date the Lisbon Treaty. I don’t want to get into fishing policy here, but I will point out that some of the Leave arguments about fishing are nothing to do with the EU. Press Releases. Sadly, Brown was able to ram the Lisbon Treaty through Parliament, without holding the referendum he had promised us. As a member of the EU, the UK is part of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), which originated back in the 1970s. The Treaty of Lisbon is an agreement which made alterations to some of the key treaties setting out how the European Union operates. In pounds that works out at around £14.1 billion in 2018, £15.2 billion in 2019 and £16.3 billion in 2020, based on the latest exchange rates, or an increase of around £1 billion per year. The UK is a member of the European Space Agency (ESA), which sent astronaut Tim Peake into space in 2016. Its rules on aviation cover a number of areas including licensing and safety. The future of the UK’s relationship with Gibraltar has previously proved a sticking point in Brexit negotiations. London Stock Exchange Group plc is moving part of its European bonds platform to Milan, to ensure that trading can continue after Brexit. The United Kingdom (UK) voted to leave the European Union (EU), dubbed “Brexit,” in a referendum on 23 June 2016. Whether it will be replaced is a matter for the politicians to determine. It was an act of national betrayal. (The Lisbon Treaty does discuss the broad goal of a more integrated European energy policy, but states that “such measures shall not affect a Member State's right to determine the conditions for exploiting its energy resources, its choice between different energy sources and the general structure of its energy supply”. Those areas include foreign policy, new member states, EU finances, changes to the Treaties, etc. And it can’t implement common defence policies unless the European Council unanimously approves. However, the EU does oversee national tax rules, in order to ensure they are consistent with relevant EU policies. So remaining in the EU wouldn’t mean losing these rights. This cannot change unless the treaties are renegotiated. We’ve seen people claiming to be health professionals, family members, and even the government – offering dangerous tips like drinking warm water or gargling to prevent infection. The London Stock Exchange is a company, not a body of the UK, and is owned by London Stock Exchange plc. Bad information ruins lives. 10: The UK loses control of its fishing rights. The UK’s opt-out, which says that the UK “shall be under no obligation” to adopt the Euro, is explicitly referenced in the Lisbon Treaty. 24: The UK loses control of its Aviation and Sea lane jurisdiction, All of these are areas that the EU has no jurisdiction over. As we explained above, it’s correct that the UK (as an EU member) must adopt any EU laws that are passed—but there are many areas of UK law not covered by the EU. This was introduced in the Lisbon Treaty, and allows for certain changes to the Treaty if approved by an absolute majority of the European Parliament, and if no national government objects. 2: All member nations will become states of the new federal nation of the EU by 2022 as clearly laid out in the Lisbon treaty with no exceptions or veto’s. By Martin Deighton. Viewpoints. Maybe in the future we might negotiate it away in return for something good, but the other states can’t take it away from us unilaterally. He maintained that the internal structure and logic of Article 50 supports the opposite view. Ireland’s Lisbon Treaty campaign was poisoned by lies and hampered by a weak showing from pro-EU groups. Should I, as many people are saying, suck it up, move on, let it go?…, Your email address will not be published. A drop of reality though, is that Theresa May has agreed that Spain can have a veto on any future deals between the EU and Gibraltar.
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